UACE 2020: UNEB finally clears air on A-level results release date
Body in charge of evaluating The Uganda National Examinations Board (Uneb) has shot down speculations that the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) results will be announced this week.
On social media, rumors began to circulate that Uneb will disclose the 2020 A-level examination results on Friday.
Between the release of the Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) results and the release of the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results, the claims had followed a time pattern of release.
There was a two-week gap between the release of the PLE findings and the UCE results.
However, Uneb representative Jennifer Kalule has scoffed at these claims.
“Please disregard messages indicating that UACE 2020 results will be released this Friday August 13,” Kalule said.
“It is not true.”
She also gave an update on the processing of the results, adding that a communication on UACE results would be made soon.
“Uneb is currently finalizing with the various quality assurance processes prior to the release of the UACE results,” Kalule added.
“The official release date will be communicated in due course.”