Stick to ethics, avoid handouts – Among Tells Journalists
Anita Among, the Speaker of the House of Commons, spoke about journalistic ethics during a practice session on Friday.
Stick to ethics, avoid handouts – Among Tells Journalists
Anita Among, the Speaker of the House of Commons, spoke about journalistic ethics during a practice session on Friday. She emphasized that it is the press’s fundamental duty to ensure that the public receives first-hand, accurate information that is presented without compromise, prejudice, or hatred.
The Uganda Parliamentary Press Association, a group that unites all parliamentary journalists, had its new leadership installed when Among made his statements.
As your patron, I kindly request that you all uphold the industry’s moral standards. You should report on news with as much objectivity and impartiality as you can. Among mentioning that.
“Don’t allow to be used as mercenaries. Parliament opened up the House to you for investigation. You are not here as politicians.
She further advised journalists to avoid “brown envelopes,” especially from politicians, because they might lead to biased and subjective reporting, according to her.
Sam Ibanda Mugabi, a senior parliamentary reporter for NBSTV, serves as President of the UPPA’s news leadership, and Gloria Gwitabingi serves as Vice President.