Sex & Relationship

Monday, March 28, 2022 Love Horoscope

For Monday’s love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on March 28, 2022.

Read on for what love horoscope has in store for your zodiac sign on Monday, March 28, 2022.



Aries, romance may feel out of reach at this time in your life. So, build relationships with friends and channel your frustration in work.

Pretty soon, Venus will be exalted, bringing an end to this chapter and a fresh start with new love on the horizon.



Taurus, right now, love may feel like a self-sacrifice, and you play the role of martyr more than you would like.

While this may be hard on your heart, you are building a solid foundation for romance that you will benefit from in the near future.



Gemini, you are experiencing a “dark night of the soul.” This may feel more like detachment from all things love-related and as though your heart has become cold.

But, don’t forget the value of self-reflection and self-knowledge. So, use this time wisely and get to know yourself.



Cancer, you may experience a feeling of being left out in the cold by someone you trusted and depended on. Recourses you hoped to share may be stripped from your reach, and figuring out how to turn things around is impossible.

Should this happen, realize that you are like a butterfly at the cocoon stage where you slowly learn to be dependent on yourself and fly using your own wings.



Leo, an unexpected break in your relationship can throw you off guard, and you may wonder if things will get back together soon.

Challenges often arise to show you where your weaknesses are. Let things repair themselves organically, and rather than throw away your memories, keep true to yourself.



Virgo, you may be the voice of reason and mature person in your relationship right now.

When being strong for you and your partner, remain soft and sensitive as you continue working hard for love.



Libra, you will want to plan and give yourself plenty of time to prepare a special evening of love for your anniversary or an upcoming date.

There can be a block to your creativity and energy at this time, and you will want to do all you can to prevent yourself from falling short of your goal to make your night special.



Scorpio, planning to get married? If you have always wanted a church or some other type of religious wedding, find out the requirements for what you want this week.

Since it can take a year to plan everything just right, now is an excellent time to find out what obstacles you will face.



Sagittarius, someone you have been chatting with may go silent suddenly due to unexplained things.

This unexpected break in communication can be jarring but don’t take it personally. Instead, go with the flow because soon, you will find out what went down.



Capricorn, protect your valuables and personal interest even if you are falling hard in love.

It’s never bad to keep both feet solidly planted on the ground when getting deeply involved with a new person. However, remember that sentimentality should never override your logic.



Aquarius, going no contact is very tough to do, but boundaries are needed so that the person you love can feel your absence.

Even when things are going well, you need to communicate how high value you are and not compromise to the point of losing your dignity and respect.



Pisces, an ex-significant other whom you swore you would never speak to again, may come back around to promise you the world.

However, as wonderful as it may sound, remind yourself that everything takes time and nothing is sure until time has revealed the truth of a persons’ character.


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