Sex & Relationship

If you’re eating his money……

If you want to participate in the game of barter trading, you must follow the rules. You steal something and immediately return it.

If you’re eating his money, “muweko.” It’s sheer evil and selfish to consume a man’s money knowing you won’t lay him. Accepting his presents and dinners on a daily basis but knowing deep down that you won’t let him in is the definition of wickedness.

You should never give a man hope that you will open up your choochkie for him just to finish up devouring his money and blocking him because you are hungry.

When you gather a number of friends, eat this man’s money, and refuse to give him any, you don’t even allow him to tap your pals, it’s a whole new level of wickedness.

If you want to participate in the game of barter trading, you must follow the rules. You steal something and immediately return it.

If you’re going on a date with this man because you’re hungry, if you need to upgrade your phone, or if you need to use this man’s credit card to shop, be human enough to give him some at the end of the day.

Men, like women, get up in the morning with the intention of working hard. He doesn’t deserve to lose his money in a scam like detoothing, no matter how wealthy he is.

If he isn’t your father and is feeding you, clothes you, and helping you keep up with the Kardashians, do your side of the bargain. Open up those legs so he can get his money’s worth.

No man wants to start taking care of you in the morning if he doesn’t want to dip his toe in. They are spending time on you, no matter how patient or courteous they are, so that you can spend time introducing them to the lakes and rivers of your body.

Stop being self-centered and start following the rules of commerce. If you want the opulent dwelling and lifestyle, you’ll have to hand over premium choochkie.

Tell him to quit wasting his money and find someone who is interested charitable work if you aren’t going all the way.

Men are human beings. He’ll forego funds he could have put into his firm in order to satisfy his body and cleanse his spirit with a good tight choochkie. Allow him to keep his money if you are unable to satisfy that need.

And please, if you know your choochkie is worth 150k and those walls aren’t deserving of the Shs 1 million treatment, tell him not to go over the limit.

And the argument that you didn’t ask for the money should be dropped. Let us not simply pretend to be children when it is advantageous to us.

Allow yourself to be grownups and accept that you are meeting his wants if he is investing in your way of life.

You pay with choochkie until the next time you eat!


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