Uganda News

Hooligans take CCTV Cameras that recorded Gen Katumba’s endeavored death

On June 1, 2021, obscure attackers continuing ahead two bikes along Kisota street splashed the vehicle of Gen Wamala with projectiles, eliminating his little girl and driver in a flash, while he supported wounds.

The yet to be distinguished hooligans have broken into one of the private offices whose CCTV cameras are accepted to have caught the aggressors who attempted to kill the Minister for Works and Transport, Gen Katumba and removed all proof.

On June 1, 2021, obscure attackers continuing ahead two bikes along Kisota street splashed the vehicle of Gen Wamala with projectiles, eliminating his little girl and driver in a flash, while he supported wounds. Nonetheless, as per Police representative, Fred Enanga, on the grounds that the street doesn’t have any Police CCTV cameras raised, they looked to utilize cameras from private people and associations nearby.

“We requested for public volunteers for private film. One of the private film from one of the schools we were tracking with Ssebaggala street was taken. What occurred with that camera was that the individual capable didn’t have keys around then and requested that we return the next day, Coincidentally, there are hooligans who broke into the school that evening and things taken incorporated the CCTV cameras,”Enanga told columnists on Monday. He anyway clarified that that very evening, Police officials on the lookout from Kira street Police Station captured the presumes who had broken into the school and some of things recuperated were the CCTV cameras.

As per Enanga the Police digital unit is attempting to recuperate the recording from the camera.

The police representative anyway excused as false, reports that the CCTV cameras being referred to were the ones having a place with police.

“It isn’t a fact that the government agent cameras from the public CCTV framework were taken as detailed by certain areas of the media,” Enanga said.

He asked columnists to consistently come clear while giving an account of such issues to abstain from deceiving and causing alarm among individuals from the general population.


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