East Africa

Experts in ICT in East Africa are instructed to develop locally relevant content and software.

Experts in Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in East Africa have been tasked with developing locally appropriate content, applications, and services in order to integrate ICT into the daily lives and operations of individuals and organizations in the region.

Experts in ICT in East Africa are instructed to develop locally relevant content and software.

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania November 2022: Experts in Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in East Africa have been tasked with developing locally appropriate content, applications, and services in order to integrate ICT into the daily lives and operations of individuals and organizations in the region.

Tanzania’s Minister for ICT, the , stated that for ICT to be relevant in socio-economic development programmes in the region, ICT experts must develop locally relevant content and applications for diverse sectors, such as education, healthcare, the environment, agriculture, and products that are useful to local communities.

“This might also include regionally relevant applications like as software or computerized systems that provide solutions for end users,” added Representative Nnauye.

Mr. John Mongella, in a speech read on his behalf by the Arusha Regional Commission at the opening of the 9th East Africa Internet Governance Forum at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania, cited government information and services provided to citizens as a prime example of local content that can be adapted for widespread distribution via the electronic environment as e-government services evolve.

“Locally relevant content can also include information about basic healthcare, such as disease outbreaks, which can be effectively broadcast using various technologies such as radio, television, or mobile telephony, especially in rural areas of developing countries where medical facilities are in most cases scarce,” said Hon. Nnauye.

“Because individuals utilize ICTs for a variety of communication purposes, including talking with family, work colleagues, and consumers, this can be an important factor in encouraging new users of ICT,” the Minister stated.

The Minister noted that regardless of the relevance of the content, application, or service, its availability in local languages is essential for ICT to be relevant and valuable to the communities and groups targeted by ICT programs and/or policies.

The honorable Nnauye stated that ICT policies reveal a country’s objectives in the use of ICTs as a tool for improved livelihoods, peace and security, good governance, and education, as well as a globally competitive economy.

“The potential of ICTs in economic growth necessitates the construction of a ‘business ecosystem’ that provides ‘end-to-end solutions’ for the underprivileged,” he added.

Eng. Steven Mlote, EAC Deputy Secretary General for Planning and Infrastructure, stated at the forum that the EAC Secretariat was working with Partner States to promote the establishment of communication infrastructure and services, as well as the standardization of technologies and services in the region.

“The EAC has collaborated extensively with Partner States to develop national ICT policies, and ongoing efforts are being made to harmonize ICT policies, legislation, and regulations among EAC Partner States. According to Eng. Mlote, the area has also continued to promote ICT as a priority investment industry.

Eng. Mlote said that the EAC Vision 2050 aimed to achieve 95% Internet and mobile network penetration in the area by the year 2050, with 67% of East Africans accessing the Internet.

“To achieve these objectives, the EAC has committed to designing and implementing ICT development programs that are consistent with national, regional, and international goals and commitments. The activities will strive to achieve universal access to communication infrastructure and services, ensure the availability of rich and diversified ICT content and applications, and develop competence, confidence, and security in the information society, according to Eng. Mlote.

“With such ambitions, we will strive toward reducing the cost and boosting the robustness of cross-border communications, closing the digital divide, and expanding digital connection throughout our region,” the Deputy Secretary General continued.

Eng. Mlote advised the participants at the forum to examine the Internet Governance issues pertinent to the region with a critical eye and to implement a coordinated strategy to address challenges pertaining to the Information Society and Knowledge Management in the region.

Members of Parliament from Tanzania and Uganda, Uganda’s High Commissioner to Tanzania, Amb. Anne Katusiime, Mr Pierre Dandjinou, the Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement – Africa, ICANN, Ms Anja Gengo, NRI Initiative Coordinator, UN Internet Governance Forum, Mr Adil Suleiman, Senior Policy Officer, Infrastructure and Energy Department, African Union, Dr Ally Simba, Executive Secretary, East Africa Communications Organisation, and Mr Adil Suleiman, Senior Policy Officer, Infrastructure


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