Uganda News

At Nsambya Hospital, Lions Clubs break ground for a specialized eye care center.

Freddie Ssengooba, Chairman of the Board of Governors at St Francis Nsambya Hospital, said the hospital will pay Shs 400 million, or at least 30% of the development costs.

A ground breaking ceremony for a specialized eye clinic was held this week by Lions Clubs of Uganda, District 411B, in collaboration with Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and St Francis Hospital, Nsambya.

According to project chairperson Lion Dr Geoffrey Erem, the comprehensive Eye Care Project entails the development of a two-story specialized eye care hospital that will be equipped with the newest high-tech eye care equipment.

“As part of the project, eye care health workers such as opticians, opthalmogists, and technicians will be trained. Under the aegis of St Francis Hospital, Nsambya, outreach activities will also be done to provide services closer to communities,” Erem stated.

The project will cost $ 420,431 (about Shs 1.5 billion), according to Dr Dans Nshekanabo, the LCIF Coordinator, with the Latter Day Saints Charities donating $ 129,855 for high-tech eye care equipment and human resource training.

Freddie Ssengooba, Chairman of the Board of Governors at St Francis Nsambya Hospital, said the hospital will pay Shs 400 million, or at least 30% of the development costs.

“The construction of a Shs 1.4 billion specialized eye care center began today and is expected to be completed in nine months. Other project operations will last four years, according to Ssengooba.

According to Lions Clubs of Uganda Governor John Bosco Ntangare, the government has sponsored substantial immunisation initiatives for measles and rubella, investing up to $ 2 million over the last five years.

Diabetes Retinopathy Project in Western Uganda ($800,000), Diabetes Awareness and Prevention Project in Central and Eastern Uganda ($300,000), Comprehensive Eye Care Project in Northern Uganda ($1.8 million), Comprehensive Eye Care Project in Southwestern Uganda ($500,000), and Lions Quest Life Skills Project for youth in various secondary schools, he said.


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